Our Goal is to ensure that no one suffers harm in any way while working for or visiting an operational site.
Apex Energy NL and its officers, employees and engaged contractors are committed to providing a safe and injury-free working environment for all persons employed at or visiting operations sites.
It is a core value of the company to place the health, safety and well being of our people as our highest priority. It is our fundamental belief that all injuries, accidents and occupational illnesses are preventable and can be eliminated from the workplace permanently.
Health and Safety Policy
To achieve this Apex Energy NL will:
Ensure that the resources necessary to maintain an effective Occupational Health and Safety Management System are provided.
Ensure that hazards are identified, assessed and managed through the adoption of a Risk Management approach.
Ensure that equipment is adequately maintained and that operators are trained in its use.
Require our supervisors to be visible in the workplace, support positive safety behaviour and not condone any breaches of Safety Management Plans, standards or Safe Work Procedures.
Consult with stakeholders on safety matters in an open, honest and timely manner.
Ensure that all injuries and incidents are investigated and that controls are implemented to prevent recurrence.
Establish measurable targets to promote continuous improvement in Safety and Health performance with a view to eliminating injuries and occupational illnesses.
Comply with all relevant statutes, guidelines, codes of practice, Australian Standards and other legislative requirements in an effort to establishing and maintaining a safe workplace.
Australian Standards and other legislative requirements in an effort to establishing and maintaining a safe workplace.
Employees and Contractors have a fundamental responsibility to work safely. Apex Energy NL expects them to:
Attend work in a fit state to perform the tasks required of them
Not undertake any task if it appears unsafe to do so
Follow all safety rules and requirements and any reasonable direction of a supervisor.
Assist and look out for fellow employees and contractors
Wear all PPE as required and report all injuries, accidents and incidents as soon as it is safe to do so.
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